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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Bhima-Karma's mridanga Facebook group and study opportunities!

Bhima-Karma's name has popped up more than just a few times when I've enquired about studying mridanga in India. I'm planning a visit there in December/Jan and hope to get in touch to experience and tap his expert knowledge of this wonderful instrument.

He's taught mridanga in New York and offers tuition in Vrindavan via his Mridanga Facebook Page. Follow that link and search out his post 'Skin types....' for his email address. I don't want to post it here and add spam to his inbox.

Aside from arranging to purchase a custom mridanga from him, you can also follow his discussions on single/double straps, sampradayas, manufacture, e.t.c.

Here is a nice video. Check out the faster beats towards the end (I enjoyed it most around the 52 minute mark).

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